Monday, December 8, 2008

update 78 lbs lost!!!

i am doing great, i am having a hard time getting health coverage apperantly when you have your insides rearranged insurance companies dont like to mess with you for the next 5 years! I love my RNY though it is the best thing i could have done for myself i feel like a person again.

i am now 5 months out and i have so much more energy, no more acid reflux! I am down to 197 as of 12-08-2008, My goal is to get to 150 that is a healty weight for me to be at

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I was so scared to go through with it i had my surgery date all set 7-22-07. I kept wondering if i was doing the right thing, but after years of failing i needed to get myself healthy (not thin healthy that is what i cared about the most). The day before the surgery i had to drink this nasty stuff to clear me out OMG what a pain in the butt (literally). I was so scared i kept wanting to cancel and just go binge. Binging was how i delt with my stress and anxiety.

The morning of the surgery I felt like i was going to throw up as we were driving to the hospital Jim (my lovely finace) and my mother were with me for support. I couldnt have done this with out Jim he has been my rock! My surgery was at 7:30am i got ready and they gave me something to relax me and i was taken to the operating room, the next thing i remember was waking up in pain and asking "what did I do?" After i was given pain meds i was ok lol, and ready for what was a long hard road ahead of me. It was strange i felt no hunger at all it was like someone had finally turned off that switch. Above is me a week after surgery i am 275!